Holistic Pelvic Care TM Therapy.
Returning to your sacred ability

The pelvic bowl is a bony structure that consists of our pubic bone across to our left hip around to our sacrum at the back to our right hip and back down to the other side to our pubic bone.
A sacred area within the female body, is the creative space within our bodies, yet for many women this is a space of disconnection and discomfort.

The aim of a HPC session is to empower a woman to live from her Pelvic Space.
A combination of intra-vaginal massage and reading of the energy of the pelvic bowl.
HPC is the medicine women long for; the point where we are able to connect and listen to the inner world of our sacred space.

Finding Power, Spirit and Joy in the Female Body – Tami Lynn Kent
Knowledge of pelvic anatomy is shared after we ask some powerful questions to open up the space and bring you into a deeper presence.
On a physical level it involves evaluation of muscle engagement and release of your pelvic floor muscles. Trigger point and myofascial release techniques are used to address pelvic dysfunction such as prolapse, pelvic congestion, pelvic pain. Reestablishing balance supports optimum menstrual, creative and reproductive health
Energetically we explore your level of presence with this space. We explore the core energy patterns in the pelvic bowl, distrust of the feminine / masculine, not enough, too much, ancestral lineage, your ability to create and birth your creations into the world, boundaries ruptures. The pelvic bowl is an area where we hold our emotional scars and the unspoken, this can create congestion and a disconnection from the truth of ourselves. We may also not realise the potential of this space and the capacity it holds and have little connection or awareness to it.
A non-latex gloved, lubricated finger is inserted into the vaginal canal, we move forward with no agenda other than to guide. With breath, intention, imagery, presence we can begin to restore resonance in your pelvic space.