Hi, I’m Tracey, I am a certified Life Coach, Kinesiologist and Facilitator. I wholeheartedly believe that every woman deserves to shine in their own unique way, to Live celebrated and stand true in all that they are!
I work with heart-centred creatives, therapists and women on their personal journey to gather and pull forward their uniqueness, to bring awareness to and implement themselves into their lives, so they can make the impact they wholeheartedly intend to.
What I have found to be true, from over 15 years of running business is that a unique formula that serves you as much as it serves your ideal life is key for gaining clarity in your life and precision in your direction. Believe me when I say this, having your own unique formula actually saves you time.
Having had the honour of sitting with hundreds of women in circles across the east coast of Australia, over a period of 8 years, I have witnessed the incredible power that emerges when the space is held to declare all that is true in a moment, uninterrupted, to allow the personal story to be heard in full, great healing takes place in the simplicity of speaking truth uninterrupted.
My business, that is now known as Glorious You  took its first steps in 2012 and I have learnt many things along the way.
Between the ages of 23-33 I managed a multi million dollar company, so the lessons on business and connection are varied and many. I want to share my greatest lessons with you, to include what has worked for me in the success of my business.
I am deeply passionate about sharing my wisdom and passion to support heart-centred therapists, women and creatives, at whatever stage of business they are at, to create their own unique formula into their business or their personal lives so your brand, so YOU are known and felt for precisely what it is, what YOU are.
I am deeply passionate about women offering all that they are to the space they occupy. To live celebrated, to live from their heart space. Facilitating women wether it be on their professional or personal journey is so very close to my heart and is my Sacred Work.
Reach out to learn how we can work together to craft the life or the business that awaits you!
Go and show the world what it looks like to live, your own unique life!




> You are a heart centred, compassionate person, who deeply desires to show up for yourself in the most authentic way.

> You are wholeheartedly ready to take the next amazing steps forward into the life you dream of

> You would like to live in a way that aligns with your deepest desires

> You are ready to bring your sacred Work to the fore and be understood for what you offer and who you are


> You are not ready to step into life in the way you most desire to

> You are not ready to step into being completely responsible for the life you dream of

> You are not able to dedicate time to fortnightly one on one sessions and implementation tasks in between

> You have some past challenges that you are still yet to work on and intend to clear this within a coaching series

>> You are not ready to bring your Sacred Work to its fullest potential.



– Complimentary Discovery session (up to 30 minutes) to establish if we are a great fit for each other
– A thought + heart provoking pre-coaching questionnaire
– 12 x 90 minute 1:1 ZOOM sessions over 6 months – $7200
– Email support throughout our time together – $300
– a 45 minute debrief at the end of our coaching series – $95
– ASANA on-line Coaching Support Program  between sessions for more conversations and deeper connection – $1500
– A space the be heard, supported + celebrated Priceless!


 Total Value  – $8,095 


– A woman who believes in you and the birth of your deepest desires and your presence in this world

– Outside perspective and new ideas

– Accountability for what you set out to achieve

– The opportunity to create long lasting connections as you explore your next best steps for your unique work.

– Access to the wisdom of someone with over 10 years experience in running a business of her own and dong the deep spiritual work along the way

– The space to be heard, to be witnessed and celebrated for all that you are

– A dedicated Asana account to support your journey

– Resources to assist you in working through any blocks that come up

– Clarity on your next best steps for your unique work and how to make that happen

– A tending to the parts of you and your Unique Work that need it most.

– The exploration of the journey you take yourself  on and the clarity that comes with such a deep and meaningful exploration.

– The discovery of who you truly are and crystal clear clarity on who you are, who you serve and how you serve them

– A Deep dive into your  life, the challenges you face and how you meet yourself where you are at.

– A detailed plan, unique to you to keep you on track.

– The exploration of your unique work and personal manifesto

– Exploration and foundations of  YOUR unique plan

– An Implementation plan

– And much more……

INVESTMENT – $2800 or monthly payments of $467.

Weekly and fortnightly payment options available.

I simply cannot wait to work with you to create the life you adore. Imagine what you will be able to achieve together over an entire 6 months.

Be prepared for an experience that will change your life as you know it!


Finding the accurate words to explain how Tracey coaches is an opportunity to describe powerful magic. Tracey coaches with strength, heart, surety and care. The power that Tracey unravels in you is the very thing that you are seeking.

For many coaching is needed when your wise self needs to come to the fore. If you find your intelligence, skill and passion needs some support then Tracey is the heart felt coach for you. If you are like me, where you attend to your growth and awareness but still need guidance to break through blocks then Tracey uses her masterful skills to assist you to lift to your best self.

In my personal experience Tracey bridged the internal blocks so my passion, skills and knowing were able to be shared with the wider world. Tracey guided parts of me into being. She held a space and a pace that facilitied this unfolding, inviting courage and a gentle accountability to be present. Her manner held me and honoured me. I found that she was the link to bring things forth in this world that I did not have the skills to do for myself. Tracey held my unnamed shame with care and with this careful guidance she made way for my gifts to come forth.

I have actioned goals that 20 years of therapy has not been able to manage. Her ability to move the immovable is so evident to me. The etymology of coaching means involves the word- co which is done together. Coach also is a means of travel and this is definitely what happened to me. Tracey journey with me, holding a space for me until I felt strong and capable to hold it. Tracey invited my rhythm and knowing to set the pace and she never wavered. Often journeying together means that you are carried along. Tracey’s energy, devotion and presence were the very things that carried me until I could dare to carry myself.

Feel into it and connect with Tracey- it is only your best self that awaits.


Educator, Kinesiologist and Writer

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