• Series 1 – The Wholehearted Series – Intended to provide you with all of the tools to start you on your journey of living a Wholehearted life. $1200.00
    • Session 1 – An initial discussion and intake + Kinesiology session to gain an understanding of you as a whole and structure a plan specific to you. (Up to 2 hours)
    • Session 2 – we will work on setting your boundaries through the exploration of the 7 sacred Hearts (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 3 – A Kinesiology session, focussing on the things that get in the way of your living a Wholehearted life ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 4 – A discussion + work to Cultivate Courage + identity where courage is needed (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 5 – A discussion + work to Cultivate Compassion + explore how this shows up for you in life (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 6 – Together we will work on cultivating Connection through an exploration of what this means for your + what gets in the way of connection for you + how to bring connection into your life + clear any beliefs around connection (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 7 – We will work on daily actions for you to take that will lead you on the wholehearted journey ( Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Bonus offers included in this series:  -○-detailed description of your Ba Gua Constitution -○-Fortnightly support phone calls of up to 30 minutes (3 months after series completed)  -○- Monthly Kinesiology session  – 1.5 hours ( up to 6 months after completion of series) $150:00 at a reduced rate of 30%
  • Series 2 – Calm Core series – The Calm Core series – to help you understand what takes you away from maintaining a sense of calm – for those who just want to bring some relaxation and calm into their lives – $950:00
    • Session 1 – An initial discussion and intake + Kinesiology session to gain an understanding of you as a whole and structure a plan specific to you. (Up to 2 hours)
    • Session 2 – A Kinesiology session designed to bring awareness to what gets in the way of you maintaining calm (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 3 – A Lomi Lomi Massage using specifically selected aromatherapy oils to support you ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 4 – A Kinesiology session + Art Therapy around your calm centre ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 5 – Guided visualisation anchoring your calm ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 6 – Calm Core flow planning to supply you on your journey (up to 1.5 hours)
    • Bonus offers included in this series -○-detailed description of your Ba Gua Constitution -○- Essential oil mix made specifically to support you on your calm journey

Sessions will be scheduled on a weekly, fortnightly, 3 weekly or monthly basis, depending on your needs and upon mapping of our initial discussion to establish a plan moving forward that best supports you on your journey.

  • Series 3 – Cultivate Resilience + Boundaries Series  – Intended to bring awareness to the patterns that keep you stuck in setting healthy boundaries + forming your resilience plan – $ 850:00
    • Session 1 – An initial discussion and intake + Kinesiology session to gain an understanding of you as a whole and structure a plan specific to you. (Up to 2 hours)
    • Session 2 – Kinesiology session designed to bring awareness to your blockages around resilience (Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 3 – This session we work on setting your boundaries through the exploration of the 7 sacred Hearts ( Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 4 – Anchoring the boundaries set through an exploration of self ( Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 5 – Resilience planning and actions session ( Up to 1.5 hours)
    • Bonus offers included in this series -○- Detailed description of your Ba Gua Constitution -○-Monthly Kinesiology session  – 1.5 hours ( up to 6 months after completion of series) $150:00 at a reduced rate of 30%

Sessions will be scheduled on a weekly, fortnightly, 3 weekly or monthly basis, depending on your needs and upon mapping of our initial discussion to establish a plan moving forward that best supports you on your journey.

  • Series 4 – Life work series  – get to the heart of those sparks of light nudging you to follow your heart + bring your life work to awareness – $1200.00
    • Session 1 –  An initial discussion and intake + Kinesiology session to gain an understanding of you as a whole and structure a plan specific to you. (Up to 2 hours)
    • Session 2 – Exploration of the Heroes Journey + Art Therapy ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 3 – Kinesiology session designed to bring awareness to your deepest desires (up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 4 – Vision Board setting in sacred space (up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 5 – Anchoring your vision + stating your intentions (up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 6 – Planning + Action session ( up to 1.5 hours)
    • Session 7 – Kinesiology session + action planning for steps to support you on your journey of life work discovery.
    • Bonus Offers included with this series – -○-Monthly Kinesiology session  – 1.5 hours ( up to 6 months after completion of series) $150:00 at a reduced rate of 30% -○-Detailed description of Ba Gua constitution -○- Fortnightly support phone calls of up to 30 minutes (3 months after series completion)

Sessions will be scheduled on a weekly, fortnightly, 3 weekly or monthly basis, depending on your needs and upon mapping of our initial discussion to establish a plan moving forward that best supports you on your journey.

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